Hi everybody just felt I should shear this quick one with you guys 15 years old Moutar Tankouno a student athlete from Niger Republic a complete basketball player stands 205 tall I sported Moutar as I came in this country last Monday morning he’s been wonderful in all the games I have seen him play for his school in this tournament and I feel it good for us to give him an opportunity of a scholarship in his country to further he’s education as this is part of our commitment to take the children off the street, Moutar like other kids in Niger Rep don’t really have access to education seems he’s from a poor background and have no body to puss him through I meet with his father to let him know our plan’s for his son and he was pleased by thanking us. Moutar is very concerned about his future and really want to succeed in the game of basketball but for the moment Moutar will be in his homeland to finished his junior high school first and from there he’ll be brought to Ghana wh...
We Want To Reach Out For The Youth In The Community's Gain Education Through The Game Of Basketball, Soccer Other Sports