Ernest Aflakpui, a 6-foot-10
In 2008 when I first meet this kids I saw greatness in him & I immediately told me friend Prince Kumassa about him from there on I started to develop a relationship with him though I knew it was going to be though but I still carrying on by pay him visit in school and so on one day I invited him to basketball academy to meet one Jake Sullivan of kingdom hoops basketball academy from Iowa in the united states, Jake wanted to help him & Samuel Aryee back then but chose to take Sam along with him ever since then Ernest has been working had with the Ketasco secondary school boys of whom he’s been involved in many basketball tournament both with the Fadama basketball academy and the school team in April 2012 I introduce Ernest to Coach Mike Beckles of South Shoe high school New York coach on his part did all he could to get Ernest to the school but along the way we lost contact,
I know it was going to be alright some day for him so I keep encouraging him to work harder eventually that very year Ernest was invited to a regional tournament in Burkina Faso where he meet coach Franck Traore, a former Manhattan who latter introduce him to the legendary Mutombo.
Today am proud to announced to you all that our Ernest AFLAPUI is a student of Archbishop Carroll high school basketball team, long live Fadama basketball academy with its dream for the youth Long
Live Ketasco senior high school
For more information on Ernest long to
We Want To Reach Out For The Youth In The Community's Gain Education Through The Game Of Basketball, Soccer Other Sports
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